What does Logosynthesis offer?
Logosynthesis® offers a model for healing, development and personal growth.
1. Are you looking for support in solving professional or personal issues?
Here you will find a list of certified Practitioners in Logosynthesis who are professionals in coaching, psychological counseling and psychotherapy. You can browse the list to find a specialist in your language, in your geographic area. Many Practitioners in Logosynthesis offer services online via Zoom.
A Practitioner in Logosynthesis can support you in your healing and development journey. Through a trusting working alliance, you will be guided to relieve distress by shifting your energy which is blocked in traumatic memories, fearful fantasies or limiting beliefs. Restoring the flow of your life energy will support personal growth and meaningful living.
2. Do you want to use Logosynthesis for your self-care?
Attend a self-coaching seminar! You can find a description of the seminar content under Learning. You can find the calendar for additional open seminars here. But you can also read the book Self-coaching with logo synthesis from Dr. Willem Lammers read. This book helps you to use Logosynthesis yourself.
3. Are you a professional and want to learn to work with Logosynthesis?
Take on Introductory seminar Logosynthesis Basic Participate and understand what logosynthesis means for personal change. You will also find a solid basis in the book Logosynthesis – Healing with words: Practical book for counseling, coaching and psychotherapy from Dr. Willem Lammers. If the topic grabs you and you want to integrate logosynthesis into your repertoire of methods, attend the further training to become a practitioner. Master Practitioner in Logosynthesis. You can find more information here.