The LIA – Logosynthesis International Association

The LIA – Logosynthesis International Society – is an independent, international non-profit organization based in Switzerland.

The members of the LIA are specialists from consulting, teaching, medical and therapeutic areas with completed professional and/or further training.

The goal is to support people in Switzerland in their personal development and the reduction of fears and habits through logosynthesis. Logosynthesis can also be used effectively as therapy for exam anxiety.


  • contribute to the worldwide spread of logosynthesis
  • support the further development of logosynthesis
  • ensure the quality of training and application of the Logosynthesis

In addition

  • We are developing a global network with many active nodes
  • we promote the active exchange of knowledge and experience
  • We support and certify specialists (practitioners, instructors, master practitioners, trainers and logosynthesis therapists in Switzerland)


•  contribute to the worldwide spread of logosynthesis

•  support the further development of logosynthesis

•  ensure the quality of training and application of logosynthesis

In addition

•  We are developing a global network with many active nodes

•  we promote the active exchange of knowledge and experience

•  We support and certify specialists (practitioners, instructors, master practitioners, trainers)

Looking for Guidance?

These specialists are trained and certified as logosynthesis therapists in Switzerland. They offer you professional support.

Get to know?

Open seminars for anyone interested. Here you will get to know logosynthesis and use it for your own personal development.

Become a professional?

Help others. Certified further training for specialists from consulting, teaching, medical and therapeutic areas.

What do customers and experts say?

Without Logosynthesis, I wouldn't be self-employed today.
I have released blockages and experienced so many magical moments.
I am infinitely grateful for that!
Meike Schleicher
"I see it as a powerful model for feeling better and making a difference without getting stuck in stressful patterns."
Cathy Caswell
"A fundamental tool for the new era: easy to learn and use, allows a quick response time and is very powerful."
Grit S.

Join Now

News and more

  • NewsLetter – Dezember 2024

    English Français Italiano Liebe LIA-Community, Das Jahr 2024 geht zu Ende. Wir wünschen Euch und Euren Lieben ein friedliches Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches, gesundes neues Jahr. Jetzt anmelden für den Logosynthesis® Day 2025 „Caring for Body, Mind & Spirit with Logosynthese®“ Nutze die Gelegenheit, zu lernen und dich zu vernetzen – für dein persönliches und

  • Instructor in Logosynthesis® – Online Training, October 22nd, 2025 – English

    This seminar is tailored for Logosynthesis Practitioners Now that you have gained a lot of experience in your work with Logosynthesis, you may like to pass your knowledge and become certified as an Instructor in Logosynthesis® ?  Once you have completed this training you will be able to offer the Selfcoaching Seminar to your clients and other interested

  • Instructor in Logosynthese® – Online Ausbildung 21. Oktober 2025 – Deutsch

    Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Logosynthese Practitioners Du hast bereits viel Erfahrung während deiner Arbeit mit Logosynthese gesammelt. Jetzt möchtest du dein Wissen gerne weitergeben und dich zum Instructor in Logosynthesis® zertifizieren lassen, um das Selbstcoaching Seminar für deine Klienten und andere Interessenten eigenständig durchführen zu können. Reserviere dir heute schon den Termin: Das nächste

  • Instructor in Logosynthese® – Online Ausbildung 24. April 2025 – Deutsch

    Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Logosynthese Practitioners Du hast bereits viel Erfahrung während deiner Arbeit mit Logosynthese gesammelt. Jetzt möchtest du dein Wissen gerne weitergeben und dich zum Instructor in Logosynthesis® zertifizieren lassen, um das Selbstcoaching Seminar für deine Klienten und andere Interessenten eigenständig durchführen zu können. Reserviere dir heute schon den Termin: Das nächste

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